Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Marilyn’s Story

Every year, around her birth­day in Decem­ber, Mar­i­lyn Star­man sched­ules her mam­mo­gram. Last year, a friend of hers was diag­nosed with breast can­cer and encour­aged her to go ear­ly for her mam­mo­gram. So in Octo­ber 2019, Mar­i­lyn sched­uled her mam­mo­gram and the results indi­cat­ed some­thing sus­pi­cious. After a biop­sy, she was diag­nosed with Stage 3 breast cancer.

Dr. Smith made me feel like I was the impor­tant one at that time. What­ev­er I need­ed, what­ev­er ques­tions I had, what­ev­er ques­tions my fam­i­ly had, it didn’t mat­ter what his sched­ule was, he was going to take care of me. I felt a con­nec­tion with him. I felt com­fort­able talk­ing to him. It just felt right.”

After sev­er­al rounds of chemother­a­py and 32 rounds of radi­a­tion treat­ment at the QMG Can­cer Insti­tute, Mar­i­lyn reflect­ed on her jour­ney that includ­ed Oncol­o­gist Dr. Ray­mond Smith and Radi­a­tion Oncol­o­gist Dr. Michael Fal­lon. She says after meet­ing them, she knew she was in the best of hands for her care.

She felt that same con­nec­tion with Dr. Fal­lon and the radi­a­tion ther­a­py team.“The first time my hus­band and I met with Dr. Fal­lon, I think we were with him for an hour and a half, as he was explain­ing things to me. I felt like he was going to help me kick this. I just felt like I want­ed to stay right there and con­tin­ue on with my treatment.”Now that she’s com­plet­ed her treat­ment, Mar­i­lyn will con­tin­ue with fol­low-ups with both Dr. Smith and Dr. Fallon.

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