Behavioral Health: Telehealth or Nah?

Ever since March 2020 (what huge, life-chang­ing thing hap­pened that month?!), health­care work­ers have made the switch to offer­ing more tele­health options for patients. There are all kinds of video call ser­vices (Zoom, Skype, Face­time, etc.) and tra­di­tion­al phone call options to choose from.

Here at Quin­cy Med­ical Group, we uti­lize a secure sys­tem called Doxy for providers to meet with their patients vir­tu­al­ly and offer all kinds of ser­vices. If the patient has a tele­health appoint­ment, they can choose to receive a link via text mes­sage or via email that the provider sends and the patient sim­ply clicks on to log in to the appoint­ment. From there, the patient waits in a vir­tu­al wait­ing room until the provider starts the call. Anoth­er option is for the patient to get in the vir­tu­al wait­ing room by typ­ing in the web brows­er name and putting the provider’s name fol­low­ing. For exam­ple, www​.doxy​.me/​e​n​t​e​r​p​r​o​v​i​d​e​r​n​a​m​ehere

Tech­nol­o­gy is pret­ty cool, huh? That doesn’t mean tele­health is best for every patient, though.

Have you won­dered if tele­health is right for you? There are many rea­sons that patients choose to do tele­health over in-per­son for health ser­vices. Check out the fol­low­ing list to see if you are some­one who would be a good fit for tele­health services.

Good inter­net connection

As some­one who grew up in the mid­dle of nowhere (real­ly, I had 30 peo­ple in my high school class), I know what it is like to have no inter­net con­nec­tion when you need it the most. It is impor­tant that you are in an area with good inter­net ser­vice that you can con­nect to for the call. I’m sure we all can relate to the frus­tra­tion of try­ing to call some­one and it cut­ting out because of the poor sig­nal. As providers, a call that is cut­ting in and out is the last thing we want for our patients because we want to make sure you are feel­ing heard and are quite lit­er­al­ly being heard.

No dis­trac­tions or lim­it­ed distractions

No dis­trac­tions? Nev­er heard of it. Squirrel!

It is impor­tant to try your best to make sure you are in a qui­et place with no dis­trac­tions. As much as I love see­ing cute dogs when I video call some­one, what if your dog’s least favorite mail car­ri­er comes by and rings the door­bell? It is bet­ter for tele­health ses­sions that you are in a calm, peace­ful area where you can stay focused on the ses­sion (instead of the juice your kids just spilled on the car­pet or the neigh­bor start­ing up the lawnmower.)

Pri­vate location

Imag­ine you are dis­cussing a fight you had with some­one impor­tant in your life with your coun­selor, while they are on the oth­er side of the wall and can hear you. You want to be some­where that is pri­vate so that you can be ful­ly open and hon­est with­out being wor­ried about any­one over­hear­ing what you are talk­ing about.

Far com­mute

Get­ting to appoint­ments be dif­fi­cult for some indi­vid­u­als because they live too far away from one of our cam­pus­es. If you don’t have time in your day to dri­ve a longer dis­tance, then try sign­ing up for a tele­health coun­sel­ing ses­sion. Hey, I know some­times I just want to stay at home — even if where I am going is only five min­utes away.

Impor­tant note: Make sure you inform your provider of your loca­tion because cer­tain providers can’t see patients out of the state of Illinois.

Dif­fi­cul­ty with transportation

For var­i­ous rea­sons, some indi­vid­u­als strug­gle with find­ing trans­porta­tion to their appoint­ments. It could be that they don’t have a car or their car is get­ting repaired, for exam­ple. No mat­ter the rea­son, tele­health could be a good fit until you have reli­able trans­porta­tion to get to an in-per­son appointment.

Insur­ance Coverage

The insur­ance cov­er­age you have makes a dif­fer­ence in what type of ser­vices would be cov­ered for you. Make sure to check to ensure that your insur­ance cov­ers your appoint­ment type.

Rare occa­sions (snow days) – Mid­west weather 

One pos­i­tive about tele­health coun­sel­ing is you can switch it up. If you pre­fer to meet in per­son most of the time, but you’d like to switch to a tele­health appoint­ment for a spe­cial occa­sion, that’s okay. As we know, liv­ing in the Mid­west leads to unpre­dictable weath­er. (I remem­ber dri­ving back to col­lege one East­er in a ter­ri­ble snow­storm). You may just be out of town on vaca­tion or at home sick or even quar­an­tined and need to change your appoint­ment for­mat. Tele­health can be flex­i­ble and can work for peo­ple with all kinds of sched­ules to meet each patient’s unique needs.

The bot­tom line: Hon­est­ly, if you think you are a good fit, just try it. Tele­health coun­sel­ing has been shown to be just as effec­tive as face-to-face coun­sel­ing. Even though tele­health usage increased because of COVID-19, there are still oth­er great rea­sons to be a tele­health patient apart from the pan­dem­ic. Research shows that tele­health will con­tin­ue to grow and become more pop­u­lar even far after the pan­dem­ic is done – which is hope­ful­ly very, very soon.

Stay safe and do what is best for you to get the help you need.

To learn more about Behav­ioral Health ser­vices at QMG, vis­it https://​quin​cymed​group​.com/​m​e​d​i​c​a​l​-​s​e​r​v​i​c​e​s​/​b​e​h​a​v​i​o​r​a​l​-​h​e​alth/.