Behavioral Health Counseling FAQs

Get­ting Start­ed with Therapy

What should I expect in my first session?

Dur­ing your first ses­sion, your ther­a­pist will get to know you by ask­ing about your cur­rent con­cerns, men­tal health his­to­ry, and back­ground (fam­i­ly, edu­ca­tion, work). They’ll also be inter­est­ed in your strengths and sup­port sys­tem. You might com­plete ques­tion­naires to gath­er more infor­ma­tion. The ther­a­pist will then dis­cuss poten­tial goals for ther­a­py and cre­ate a treat­ment plan tai­lored to you. This plan will deter­mine the type of ther­a­py and how often you’ll meet. Togeth­er, you’ll decide on a pace that works best for you, and your ther­a­pist will always wel­come your feed­back to make ses­sions even more effective.

Do I Need a Refer­ral?

No refer­ral is need­ed for QMG Behav­ioral Health Depart­ment coun­sel­ing ser­vices. How­ev­er, it’s impor­tant to check your insur­ance cov­er­age before­hand. Please note that refer­rals are required for oth­er Behav­ioral Health ser­vices like Telepsy­chi­a­try and Neuropsychology.

Wait­list Information

Why is There a Wait­list?

The demand for men­tal health ser­vices has increased due to COVID-19. This means you may expe­ri­ence a wait­list when sched­ul­ing an appoint­ment. We under­stand this can be frus­trat­ing, and we appre­ci­ate your patience. We are work­ing hard to con­nect with every­one and encour­age you to reach out if your sit­u­a­tion is urgent or dan­ger­ous. You can also head to your local emer­gency depart­ment for imme­di­ate assistance.

Ther­a­py for Children

Will I Need to Attend My Child’s Appoint­ments?

If your child is under 12, you’ll like­ly be present for most, if not all, of the first appoint­ment. This helps the ther­a­pist gath­er infor­ma­tion from both you and your child. For chil­dren aged 12 – 17, you may be need­ed for part of the ses­sion to pro­vide back­ground infor­ma­tion. Your child may then have some time alone with the ther­a­pist if they wish. The ther­a­pist will dis­cuss who needs to be present for future appointments.

How Long Will Ther­a­py Last?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on your child’s needs (type and sever­i­ty of con­cerns), their open­ness to change, and the cho­sen ther­a­py approach. Some chil­dren improve quick­ly, while oth­ers require more time. Your ther­a­pist will work with you and your child to design a treat­ment plan and sched­ule that address­es their spe­cif­ic needs.

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