Back-to-School Tip #5: Help your child adjust to wearing a mask

Kids have a new item on their school sup­ply list this year: Masks. Love them or hate them, they are going to be with us for a while. Dr. San­dra Clark, pedi­atric psy­chol­o­gist, and Erin Adams, pedi­atric occu­pa­tion­al ther­a­pist, both with Quin­cy Med­ical Group, have these tips to offer to help your chil­dren adjust to wear­ing masks.

  1. Prac­tice, prac­tice, prac­tice! Prac­tice not only wear­ing the mask to get used to wear­ing it but also prac­tice putting it on and tak­ing it off to improve inde­pen­dence with this skill.
  2. Talk to your chil­dren about why they are wear­ing their masks — to keep them­selves and oth­ers safe from germs!
  3. Prac­tice wear­ing for short peri­ods of time and slow­ly increase to longer dura­tions. Work on this now, while able to do so at home. Uti­lize dis­trac­tions and rewards if nec­es­sary to keep the expe­ri­ence positive.
  4. If your child finds wear­ing the mask to be uncom­fort­able, have them par­tic­i­pate in heavy pro­pri­o­cep­tive based activ­i­ties while wear­ing a mask to help them decrease dis­tress­ful sen­sa­tions. Exam­ples: ani­mal walks, wheel­bar­row, crawl­ing, etc.
  5. Mark the inside of the mask with the child’s ini­tials or star so when they remove their mask to eat/​drink they put it back on with the exposed side out.
  6. Masks are cur­rent­ly avail­able in a vari­ety of styles, pat­terns, and char­ac­ter prints. Try to find one that your child will find appeal­ing and com­fort­able. The gaiter style masks are easy for chil­dren to put on, take off, and keep track of as they hang gen­tly around their neck when not in use.
  7. Con­sid­er pro­vid­ing your child with mul­ti­ple options of masks. Sim­ply pro­vid­ing a choice may make it more like­ly that they will com­ply with wear­ing one, but your child may also appre­ci­ate a change in tex­ture or visu­al print that pos­i­tive­ly impacts their sen­so­ry experience.
  8. Pro­vide a great deal of praise and/​or rein­force­ment any time your child wears his or her mask!

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