Back-to-School Tip #4: Healthy Snacks

After-school snack­ing is impor­tant to help meet the ener­gy needs of chil­dren. Snacks are also great ways to help boost fruit and veg­etable intake. QMG Reg­is­tered Dietit­ian Brit­tany Win­ship shared that pair­ing two food groups when pro­vid­ing snacks helps keep hunger at bay. Below are five quick and easy exam­ples that include a fruit or vegetable.

  1. Baked tor­tilla chips with sal­sa (grain + vegetable)
  2. Grapes and cheese cubes (fruit + calcium/​protein)
  3. Hum­mus with baby car­rots (pro­tein + vegetable)
  4. Pop­corn and dried cran­ber­ries (grain + fruit)
  5. Cot­tage cheese and cucum­ber slices (protein/​calcium + vegetable)

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