Ask a Dietitian: What’s in your Fridge?

We’re cel­e­brat­ing Nation­al Nutri­tion Month by raid­ing the fridges of two of our Reg­is­tered Dieti­tians. QMG Reg­is­tered Dietit­ian Ang­ie Zanger-Geisel­man shares a few of her favorite go-to items. If you’re inter­est­ed in learn­ing how our Nutri­tion Ser­vices can help you, click here or call us at (217) 222‑6550, ext. 3481.

I once heard Kefir called the cham­pagne of dairy.’ That may be a bit of a stretch, but Kefir does taste like a deli­cious smooth­ie. It also con­tains pro­bi­otics and can be ben­e­fi­cial for gut health. Pro­bi­otics are the good’ bac­te­ria, like those nat­u­ral­ly found in your gut. These active cul­tures may boost immu­ni­ty and over­all health, espe­cial­ly gut health. Most dieti­tians pre­fer that patients get pro­bi­otics nat­u­ral­ly from foods, such as yogurt, kefir milk or kefir water, miso, or kimchee.

I didn’t eat my first avo­ca­do until I was 29. Now I have them sev­er­al times a week. Avo­ca­does con­tain healthy fats that not only make you feel full but also improve car­dio­vas­cu­lar health. I will add an avo­ca­do to a wrap, sal­ad, or make the very pop­u­lar avo­ca­do toast. Gua­camole is always a favorite snack at our house as well.”

Plant pro­teins
With the cost of gro­ceries increas­ing we have been focused on our food bud­get. Meat, espe­cial­ly, has increased in price and avail­abil­i­ty. In order to pro­mote sati­ety, I try to have a pro­tein source with each meal. There­fore, I have turned to plant pro­teins. Lentils, beans, peas, and tofu offer a great amount of pro­tein and fiber that help with full­ness at a frac­tion of the cost of ani­mal pro­tein. Tofu takes on the fla­vor of what­ev­er you are cook­ing it with and is very ver­sa­tile. Canned beans and lentils have increased the ease of prepar­ing beans by elim­i­nat­ing the time-con­sum­ing effort of soak­ing. I rec­om­mend rins­ing beans if you pur­chase the canned ver­sion. They can go in wraps, soups, sal­ads, and casseroles.

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