A Mother’s Inspiration

This Mother’s Day, we’re spot­light­ing Dr. Nihari­ka Yed­la. Dr. Yedla’s jour­ney in med­i­cine was deeply influ­enced by her moth­er, an OB/GYN physi­cian. Wit­ness­ing her mother’s ded­i­ca­tion first­hand instilled a pas­sion for heal­ing in Dr. Yed­la, and her mother’s wis­dom con­tin­ues to guide her every day.

What inspired you to pur­sue a career in med­i­cine, and how much of that inspi­ra­tion came from observ­ing your mother’s work as a physi­cian?
Most of my inspi­ra­tion to become a doc­tor came at a young age, as I would watch my moth­er and would want to emu­late her.

Being raised by a physi­cian moth­er, what unique insights or per­spec­tives do you think you gained about the med­ical pro­fes­sion that oth­ers may not have?
I think I always knew this is more than just a job”. I knew one would be busy. One would have to choose between fam­i­ly meals, fes­ti­vals, wed­ding atten­dances vs patient care and the answer was always patient care. but I always saw my mom hap­py to be mak­ing that choice. And feel­ing like it was a priv­i­lege to take care of others.

Can you share a mem­o­rable moment or sto­ry from your upbring­ing that illus­trates the impact your mother’s career as a physi­cian had on you?
On mul­ti­ple occa­sions, I would meet strangers at a store or my friend’s moth­ers, and they would all tell me, your mom is a great doc­tor, what she has done with me has changed my life. In response, I would just be in awe of her and think to myself if I can ever mea­sure up to be some­thing like her.

What advice or guid­ance did your moth­er impart to you that you still car­ry with you in your prac­tice today?
She said you must always remem­ber why you chose this pro­fes­sion; it is to serve peo­ple and help them.

If you could express your grat­i­tude to your moth­er for her influ­ence on your career, what would you say to her on this Mother’s Day?
I can­not imag­ine myself doing any­thing else, although it’s been a long jour­ney, lots of hard work, but ulti­mate­ly, when the patients smile back at you and thank you for your help, you feel like it’s all worth it and that you are doing some­thing of val­ue for the society.

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