Our Team

Always Push­ing Towards a More Sus­tain­able Future

In order to make good hap­pen, we look to the guid­ance of good peo­ple. Meet the team that strives to make the Foun­da­tion the best it can be through stew­ard­ship, lead­er­ship and future-focused thinking.

Board Mem­bers

Nicole Mason, RN
Nurse Coor­di­na­tor, Vas­cu­lar Surgery

Amy Hast­ing, LCPC
Vice Pres­i­dent
Licensed Clin­i­cal Pro­fes­sion­al Coun­selor, Behav­ioral Health Therapy

Amy Bangert
Senior Direc­tor Finance, Controller

Hol­ly Booth, MA
Board Mem­ber
Cer­ti­fied Med­ical Assis­tant, Vas­cu­lar Surgery

Cindy Cook, RN
Board Mem­ber
Nurs­ing Coor­di­na­tor, Car­diac Services

Maris­sa Rad­cliffe
Board Mem­ber
Com­mu­ni­ty Health Work­er, Behav­ioral Health Therapy

There­sa Stoll
Board Mem­ber
Patient Access Coor­di­na­tor, Gen­er­al Reception

Advi­so­ry Committee

Car­ol Brock­miller
Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee
Chief Exec­u­tive Officer

Dr. George Crickard, III
Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee
Ortho­pe­dics & Sports Medicine

Dr. Korhan Raif
Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee
Fam­i­ly Prac­tice, Bar­ry & Pleas­ant Hill

Dr. Wajee­ha Rizvi
Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee
Oncol­o­gy & Hematology

Staff Mem­bers

Mor­gan Parker
Foun­da­tion Sup­port
Direc­tor, Com­mu­ni­ty Rela­tions & Quin­cy Med­ical Group Foundation

Jen­nifer Wingert­er
Foun­da­tion Sup­port
Benev­o­lence Specialist

Leah Murfin
Foun­da­tion Sup­port
Com­mu­ni­ty Engage­ment Specialist

Melis­sa Bliv­en
Foun­da­tion Sup­port