Beyond the Battle

The Beyond Shop

When you are under­go­ing can­cer care, your needs may extend beyond treat­ment. The Beyond Shop inside the Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG) Can­cer Insti­tute address­es those needs by pro­vid­ing non-med­ical sup­port items to patients at no cost. From the selec­tions of head cov­er­ings and hair­pieces to com­fort prod­ucts like lotions and creams, the Beyond Shop serves to encour­age and sup­port patients before, dur­ing, and after their oncol­o­gy jour­ney. The Beyond Shop is fund­ed by the QMG Foundation’s Beyond the Bat­tle” Fund and gen­er­ous dona­tions from the community.

Some of the items that the Beyond Shop offers:

  • Head cov­er­ings
  • Hair­pieces (wigs, stands & combs)
  • Mas­tec­to­my sup­port pillows
  • Port pil­lows
  • Breast pros­thet­ics
  • Sup­port­ive bras
  • Blan­kets
  • Lotion
  • Greet­ing cards for patients, care­givers, & staff

If you are inter­est­ed in vis­it­ing the Beyond Shop or set­ting up an appoint­ment for a wig fit­ting, please con­tact the QMG Can­cer Institute’s front desk at (217) 277‑4070, and a mem­ber of our care team will con­nect with you.

Beyond the Bat­tle Boxes

In 2020, the QMG Foun­da­tion intro­duced a new way to help fund the Beyond Shop while also giv­ing sup­port and encour­age­ment to oncol­o­gy patients with the pur­chase of a Beyond the Bat­tle” gift box. The Beyond the Bat­tle” gift box is a cus­tomized gift that pro­vides oncol­o­gy patients with a vari­ety of care items as well as com­fort­ing and encour­ag­ing gifts to offer sup­port for any­one dur­ing their can­cer journey.

Order a Beyond the Bat­tle Box Here >

Donate to the QMG Foundation >