Patient Assistance

The QMG Foun­da­tion has patient assis­tance funds estab­lished or gen­er­al, oncol­o­gy, and dial­y­sis patients. The Patient Assis­tance Fund is designed to help any com­mu­ni­ty patient finan­cial­ly while expe­ri­enc­ing an urgent need, as deter­mined by a case work­er or health­care provider. It is intend­ed for short-term assis­tance with an agree­ment for a long-term strat­e­gy part­nered with the patient care team. We are able to pro­vide basic liv­ing expens­es, includ­ing rent/​mortgage pay­ments, util­i­ty bills, car pay­ments, or gift cards for gas and gro­ceries, to those who qual­i­fy. This is one way the QMG Foun­da­tion wraps our arms around patients who need us most.

Oncol­o­gy Guidelines

To be eli­gi­ble, a patient must be cur­rent­ly under­go­ing treat­ment for oncol­o­gy ser­vices. To receive assis­tance, the patient must com­plete an appli­ca­tion and be in con­tact with a QMG Oncol­o­gy social work­er and/​or finan­cial counselor.

Gen­er­al Patient Assis­tance Guidelines

To receive assis­tance, the patient must com­plete an appli­ca­tion, be in con­tact with a QMG Behav­ioral Health case work­er, and active­ly reach out to com­mu­ni­ty resources.

Dial­y­sis Guidelines

To be eli­gi­ble, a patient must be cur­rent­ly under­go­ing dial­y­sis treat­ments. To receive assis­tance, the patient must com­plete an appli­ca­tion and be in com­mu­ni­ca­tion with a dial­y­sis provider and a QMG Behav­ioral Health case worker.

To ensure we have enough resources to assist all patients, the QMG Foun­da­tion reserves the right to allo­cate finan­cial assis­tance to each patient based on avail­able fund­ing. Regard­less of the sup­port giv­en, addi­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty resources will be pro­vid­ed to every applicant.

To learn more, con­tact our Benev­o­lence Spe­cial­ist at (217) 222‑6550 ext. 6742 or con­tact us below.

Con­tact Us >

Donate to the QMG Foundation >