Stronger Together Dialysis Support Group


Mar. 5 - Sep. 3
4:30pm - 5:30pm
QMG Nutrition Services Classroom
1025 Maine Street
Quincy, Illinois 62301

Support Group Dates

  • Wed. Mar. 5
  • Wed. Apr. 2
  • Wed. May. 7
  • Wed. Jun. 4
  • Wed. Jul. 2
  • Wed. Aug. 6
  • Wed. Sep. 3

Stronger Togeth­er is a sup­port group for indi­vid­u­als under­go­ing dial­y­sis treat­ment and their care­givers. Stronger Togeth­er pro­vides a safe, wel­com­ing space where you can find hope, build con­nec­tions, and be remind­ed that you are not alone. Our goal is to offer social, emo­tion­al, and prac­ti­cal sup­port while shar­ing cop­ing strate­gies, insights, and encour­age­ment. Above all, we hope to cre­ate a pos­i­tive envi­ron­ment where we can sup­port each oth­er and have some fun — no mat­ter the chal­lenges you are facing.

Every First Wednes­day of the Month
4:30 – 5:30 pm
in the Nutri­tion Ser­vices Class­room
1025 Maine St, First Floor, Quin­cy, IL 62301

Stronger Togeth­er is facil­i­at­ed by Shari Robesky, LCSW LISW, Dial­y­sis Social Work­er and Behav­ioral Health Ther­a­pist. Atten­dance is free with no reg­is­tra­tion required. 

To attend vir­tu­al­ly or for more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Shari Robesky at (217) 222‑6550, ext. 3508.