Flu Shot Clinics

Peak flu sea­son is Sep­tem­ber — March. Get­ting a flu shot is a great way to stay healthy and pro­tect your­self and oth­ers this flu sea­son. If you have an upcom­ing annu­al well­ness vis­it or pri­ma­ry care appoint­ment, you may get a flu shot dur­ing your vis­it. If you do not have an upcom­ing appoint­ment, you may be a flu shot at one of our Flu Shot Clinics.

Quin­cy Med­ical Group is host­ing Flu Shot Clin­ics through­out our region dur­ing Sep­tem­ber and Octo­ber. Appoint­ments are encour­aged, but are not required. Flu Shot Clin­ics are open to all indi­vid­u­als 2 years and old­er. For ages 6 months to 2 years, con­tact your pedi­a­tri­cian or fam­i­ly prac­tice provider to an in-office appoint­ment. Most insur­ance plans cov­er flu vac­cines with $0 out-of-pock­et to the patient. Patients should bring their insur­ance cards with them. Cash prices for unin­sured patients are avail­able by call­ing QMG at (217) 222‑6550, ext. 6802.

Flu Shot Clin­ics at QMG

Quin­cy — Dri­ve-Thru Flu Shot Clinics
Every Sat­ur­day in Octo­ber — Octo­ber 5, 12, 19, 26

9:00am — 3:00pm
1118 Hamp­shire St., Quin­cy, IL 62301
Call (217) 222‑6550, ext. 6802 to Sched­ule an Appointment

Pitts­field — Dri­ve-Thru Flu Shot Clin­ics
Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 26 & Thurs­day, Octo­ber 3

1:00pm — 4:00pm
320 N. Madi­son St., Pitts­field, IL 62363
Call (217) 285‑9601 to Sched­ule an Appointment

Bar­ry — Dri­ve-Thru Flu Shot Clin­ic
Wednes­day, Octo­ber 2

1:00pm — 4:00pm
868 Mor­timer St., Bar­ry, IL 62312
Call (217) 335‑2343 to Sched­ule an Appointment

Mt. Ster­ling — Flu Shot Clin­ic
Tues­day, Octo­ber 1

1:00pm — 4:30pm
216 Pitts­field Rd., Mt. Ster­ling, IL 62353
Call (217) 773‑3963 to Sched­ule an Appointment

Keokuk — Flu Shot Clin­ic
Wednes­day, Octo­ber 9

9:00am — Noon & 1:00pm — 5:00pm
1603 Mor­gan St., Suite 3, Keokuk, IA 52632
Call (319) 524‑4300 to Sched­ule an Appointment

Who should get a flu shot?

Every­one 6 months and old­er, includ­ing preg­nant women, should get a flu shot every year with rare excep­tions. Flu shots for ages 2 and over are avail­able at our annu­al flu shot clin­ics. For ages 6 months to 2 years, con­tact your pedi­a­tri­cian or fam­i­ly prac­tice provider to sched­ule an appoint­ment. For those 65 years and old­er we rec­om­mend receiv­ing the high-dose influen­za vaccine.

Why get a flu shot?

Influen­za, com­mon­ly known as the flu, is a con­ta­gious res­pi­ra­to­ry ill­ness caused by influen­za virus­es that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. Some peo­ple, such as old­er peo­ple, young chil­dren, and peo­ple with cer­tain health con­di­tions, are at high­er risk of seri­ous flu com­pli­ca­tions. The best way to pro­tect your­self and reduce your risk from the sea­son­al flu and its poten­tial­ly seri­ous com­pli­ca­tions is by get­ting a flu shot every year.

When should you get a flu shot?

While sea­son­al influen­za (flu) virus­es are detect­ed year-round in the Unit­ed States, flu virus­es are most com­mon dur­ing fall and win­ter. Flu sea­son can vary, but flu activ­i­ty often begins to increase in Octo­ber and peaks between Decem­ber and Feb­ru­ary. It’s best to be vac­ci­nat­ed before the flu begins spread­ing in your com­mu­ni­ty. It is rec­om­mend­ed to receive a flu vac­cine in Sep­tem­ber or Octo­ber. How­ev­er, if you are not able to get vac­ci­nat­ed until Novem­ber or lat­er, vac­ci­na­tion is still recommended.

  • Adults, espe­cial­ly those 65 and old­er, should gen­er­al­ly not get vac­ci­nat­ed ear­ly (July or August) because pro­tec­tion may decrease over time.
  • Chil­dren can get vac­ci­nat­ed as soon as vac­cines become avail­able. Some chil­dren need two dos­es of the flu vac­cine. It is rec­om­mend­ed to get the first dose as soon as the vac­cine is avail­able because the sec­ond dose needs to be giv­en at least 4 weeks after the first.
  • Ear­ly vac­ci­na­tion can also be con­sid­ered for preg­nant peo­ple in their third trimester of preg­nan­cy to pro­tect their infants dur­ing the first months of life.